We are looking for zinc oxide
We request to buy Zinc Oxide for Zinc smelting purpose, wtih Zn 50% min, Cl 0.1% max, F 0.02% max, Mn 0.1% max. Qty request 1000-20.000 tons per month in regularly.If you can supply, please contact us
Bereitstellung von Rohstoffr
KAYATEPE is a dynamic and growing mining company focused on the operation and development of mines in Turkey.We have focused on the Zinc and Copper and Manganese mining for nearly 13 years, Many of these metals and materials are crucial to the global economy. Our customers can be confident in our ability to ensure a long-term, reliable supply of quality copper and molybdenum concentrates. Concentrate production is a process where the main metallic compounds of the mine’s ore are separated and 'concentrated'. This concentrated material is then sold to smelters for further refining. The marketing of base metal concentrates is a key element of MetalExport business. Our concentrate sales span the globe.Send us your request
I am proud to state that we achieved significant results in mineral production, enrichment, trade and business development. Whilst these results encourage us to set higher objectives for the future, they also increase our responsibilities and encourage us to make the right growth decisions.
We are making growth plans and investments to increase our production and reserves on one hand, and we are making effort to maintain quality, sustainability and occupational safety as utmost priority through the care for people and our institutional experience. We will continue to make a breakthrough in our mining operations and create value in our growing structure together with all of our business partners.
Mahir kayatepe
In der Zancan Firma wird Zinkbarren zwischen 99,96 - 99,99 Prozent durch Hydrometallurgie hergestellt. Wir bieten den Lieferanten den besten Preis für Zink-Ingot-Produktion.
we use flotation technology to improve the quality of Zinc, Lead, Copper and Molybdenum; We are the only producer of Molybdenum Concentrate in Turkey. If you are looking for best quality minerals and heavy metals, please contact us...
Wir exportieren Zinkbarren, der im Türkei hergestellt wird und importieren die Chemikalien, die wir aus anderen Ländern benötigen, in den Türkei.
Our team is composed of experienced and trusted experts with wide-ranging operational and technical expertise across commodities, continents and mining methods, bringing its specialization to every aspect of our clients’ business for the lifecycle of their asset.
Molybdän ist ein Metall mit wichtigen industriellen Anwendungen, insbesondere bei der Herstellung von Chemie- und Stahlprodukten (Bau- und Edelstahl) sowie reinen Molybdänelementen. Wir produzieren hochwertige Molybdänkonzentrate mit einem Gehalt von mehr als 57 %.
Wir liefern unseren Fabrik rohstoffbedarf mit persischen Bergleuten in Höhe von 60% als Erz und türkischen Bergleuten in Höhe von 30% als Erz
MetalExport purchases raw materials from producers around the world. Our suppliers are both large industrial mines as well as cooperative and small-scale mines in Turkey, North African, Morocco, Casablanca, nigeria, Zambia, Kazakhstan and other country around the world.
Mhir kayatepe
General Manager
We work across Africa, Europe, Canada, the Middle East, South East Asia and Australasia. Our operations span a range of sectors including; Mining, Mineral processing, Metal smelting and refining processes, transportation.
Mahir Kayatepe
General Manager
Many of our suppliers have a long standing relationship with MetalExport, leading to benefits such as technical support. All deliveries must fulfil the strict standards in regards to ethical supply and the traceability through the supply chain.
Mahir Kayatepe
General Manager
We request to buy Zinc Oxide for Zinc smelting purpose, wtih Zn 50% min, Cl 0.1% max, F 0.02% max, Mn 0.1% max. Qty request 1000-20.000 tons per month in regularly.If you can supply, please contact us
Dear suppliers, We are buying zinc ore, zinc concentrate in large quantity from worldwide. If you can supply, please contact me. Qty request 1000-20.000 tons per month in regularly.If you can supply, please contact us
We are an molybdenum quarry owner, which is able to provide molybdenum ore concentrate ...
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Cumartesi: 09:00 - 17:00
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Phone number: +90 312 4800226
Mobile phone: +90 533 3633222