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About Kayatepe

Who are we ?

Kayatepe is the Turkey leading Mining company and a producer of Copper, Molybdenum, Silver, Zinc and Lead. Kayatepe is the only Molybdenum producer in Turkey and is widely recognized for its principled environmental, social and governance practices

The Company is an industry leader in value creation, supported by robust safety standards, superior execution and technical proficiency. Our geographic locations and deep reserves within our mines, the quality of our output, and our competitive price are just a few of the characteristics that are unique to KAYATEPE, which differentiates us from our peers. We also own exploration properties in world-class Zinc and Leade mining districts throughout Turkey. KAYATEPE MINE is one of the largest deep Molybdenum ore mines in the world

The demands of industry are becoming constantly more severe. Engineers require stronger, tougher materials with better hot strength, superior properties at low temperatures, more corrosion resistance and added wear resistance so they can design and build more efficient equipment to improve our lives. Molybdenum helps meet these demands. Just like other common alloying elements, such as chromium and nickel, molybdenum additions give alloy steel and iron a combination of strength, toughness and wear resistance not possible with unalloyed steels. Moreover, molybdenum makes a unique contribution to hot strength, corrosion resistance and toughness

The Kayatepe mine is a porphyry molybdenum deposit, with molybdenite as the primary sulfide mineral. Our annual capacity of production Molybdenum ore is around 300,000 tons/year. KAYATEPE Corporation is involved in the trading of copper concentrate and molybdenum products sourced from Turkey mines, exported mainly to China and Europe markets

Our fields of Activity

KAYATEPE is a dynamic and growing mining company focused on the operation and development of mines in Turkey.We have focused on the Zinc and Copper and Manganese mining for nearly 13 years, Many of these metals and materials are crucial to the global economy.
Our customers can be confident in our ability to ensure a long-term, reliable supply of quality copper and molybdenum concentrates. Concentrate production is a process where the main metallic compounds of the mine’s ore are separated and 'concentrated'. This concentrated material is then sold to smelters for further refining. The marketing of base metal concentrates is a key element of MetalExport business. Our concentrate sales span the globe.
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Zinc Lead Bakır Molybdenum

  • Zinc Ore
  • Zinc Concentrate
  • Lead Concentrate
  • Molybdenum concentrate
  • Zinc Lead ore
  • Zinc Ingot
project manager

director's Message

I am proud to state that we achieved significant results in mineral production, enrichment, trade and business development. Whilst these results encourage us to set higher objectives for the future, they also increase our responsibilities and encourage us to make the right growth decisions.
We are making growth plans and investments to increase our production and reserves on one hand, and we are making effort to maintain quality, sustainability and occupational safety as utmost priority through the care for people and our institutional experience. We will continue to make a breakthrough in our mining operations and create value in our growing structure together with all of our business partners.

Mahir kayatepe

Our Activities

Kayatepe activities in the mining industry include metals production, metals investing, and metals trading.

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Mining Activities

We’re a global presence with both completed and ongoing projects for the treatment of Zinc, Lead, Copper and Molybdenum ore. Kayatepe is a large-scale enterprise specializing in manufacturing and selling Molybdenum and Zinc and copper.

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Flotation In Mineral Processing

we use flotation technology to improve the quality of Zinc, Lead, Copper and Molybdenum; We are the only producer of Molybdenum Concentrate in Turkey. If you are looking for best quality minerals and heavy metals, please contact us...

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Import and Export

we source and supply ores and concentrates to refining companies and smelters for processing and finishing.We export Wolframite, Molybdenum, Lead and Zinc concentrates produced and import the chemicals what we need from other countries to Turkiye.

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Our international activities

Our team is composed of experienced and trusted experts with wide-ranging operational and technical expertise across commodities, continents and mining methods, bringing its specialization to every aspect of our clients’ business for the lifecycle of their asset.

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Molybdenum mining

Molybdenum is a metal with important industrial uses, particularly in the manufacture of chemical and steel products -structural and stainless steel- as well as pure molybdenum elements. we producing High Quality Molybdenum concentrates with grade greater than 57%.

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zinc ore minerals buyers

Kayatepe is one of the leading companies in the metals and minerals sector in Turkey.We are looking to buy Zinc ORE in any quantity that you can supply. If interested in supplying us Zinc Ore,then contact us Please

Supervisors Message

Photo gallery

Photos and videos from our Activities and Projects

Our vision

We Strive to Make the Impossible Possible


our announcement and advertising

We are looking for zinc oxide

We request to buy Zinc Oxide for Zinc smelting purpose, wtih Zn 50% min, Cl 0.1% max, F 0.02% max, Mn 0.1% max. Qty request 1000-20.000 tons per month in regularly.If you can supply, please contact us

We are looking for zinc ore

Dear suppliers, We are buying zinc ore, zinc concentrate in large quantity from worldwide. If you can supply, please contact me. Qty request 1000-20.000 tons per month in regularly.If you can supply, please contact us

Kayatepe Mining Corporation

Watch our Introduction video

We are happy to share our introduction video explaining the Kayatepe project!

Contact Us

Çalışma Saatleri

pazartesi-cuma: 09:00 - 18:00
Cumartesi: 09:00 - 17:00
Pazar günleri kapalı

Contact details

Phone number: +90 312 4800226
Mobile phone: +90 533 3633222

Drop A Message

You can send us a message using the form, We will reply as soon as possible.

  • Turkish Zinc Ore buyers and connect with purchasing managers
  • We are the end buyer of zinc ore and lead ore
  • Molybdenum Concentrate Mo bulk research qty manufacturer
  • Zinc Ore Buyers from Republic of Türkiye are waiting to connect
  • Molybdenum metal is produced by hydrogen reduction of pure molybdic oxide or ammonium molybdate
  • Zinc ore Regular Buyers, Zinc ore Importers, Zinc ore Distributors
  • We are looking for zinc ore. We are buying lead ore
  • Our lead and zinc mining started in 2014 and continues to grow with new investments.
  • This makes zinc and important material in buildings, vehicles, in household and electrical appliances
  • We have a global marketing reach and sell Molybdenum concentrates and metals.
  • copper concentrates and rather imports non-Moly
  • In the flotation circuit we produce zinc and lead concentrate, which also contains silver
  • Molybdenum Concentrate Distributor and Trader in London United Kingdom
  • Copper concentrate smelter purchase refining charges cif China
  • We only use the purest molybdenum oxide as the source material
  • To purchase the NIST423 Molybdenum Oxide Concentrate
  • used to separate and concentrate ores by altering their hydrophobic
  • Currently owned and operated by the kayatepe Company
  • Molybdenum Plate Manufacturer and Supplier
  • We sell Moly Concentrate Mo- 55%
  • Ferromolybdenum Production: Roasted molybdenum concentrate is the primary raw material for the production of ferromolybdenum, an alloy used in steelmaking.
  • Technical Molybdenum Oxide is Mo containing intermediary product being produced by roasting at air temperatures of Molybdenum Disulphide (MoS2) concentrate
  • This report provides an in-depth analysis of the global market for other than roasted molybdenum ores and concentrates
  • Order Molybdenum from trusted suppliers with immediate availabilities
  • Molybdenum ores and concentrates, roasted 50% price Charts
  • Kayatepe Corporation Is a Leading Molybdenum Plate Manufacturer and Supplier.
  • Molybdenum concentrate is priced by moly content
  • We are mining the metals needed for a clean energy future
  • zinc ingots for sale
  • Find trusted Zinc Ore Buyers
  • Sell your Zinc Ore products to global buyers for Free
  • Zinc Ingot for Various Industrial Uses, zamak ingot manufactures
  • Mining Flotation Process Copper Concentrate for Sale
  • Order Zinc from trusted suppliers with immediate availabilities
  • Lead and zinc appear almost always associated in mineral deposits
  • produce separate lead and zinc concentrates
  • Kayatepe Lead Zinc Mine is a low-cost, high-grade, fully permitted
  • Turkish Metal Maden
  • The project has built a complete value chain covering lead-zinc mining, processing
  • smelting in its host region
  • We smelt and refine zinc and lead ore in processing plants in Turkey
  • we use flotation technology to improve the quality of Molybdenum
  • We are one of the world's largest producers of mined zinc and operate
  • Source the Oxide chemicals you need
  • After the formal resumption of production of downstream magnetic materials
  • Metal Treatment Concentrate
  • Like tungsten, molybdenum is one of the refractory metals. It does not have the density of tungsten, but still has a relatively high melting point and is somewhat easier to machine.
  • Kayatepe offers raw materials for sale including tungsten and tungsten heavy metal alloys, molybdenum, and tantalum.
  • Asian Metal provides kayatepe Concentrate Prices Index
  • Kayatepe Group produce zinc ingots for galvanizing and brass industries
  • Current and historical Zinc prices, stocks and monthly averages
  • Listed below is our zinc ore or zinc concentrate mineral trade
  • Iron ore · Minor metals · Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and
  • Online Shopping Rare Earth Business Dysprosium Metal Ingot
  • INGOT Brokers decided it's time to work on empowering
  • Cleaner Concentrate is an advanced non-ionic surfactant system especially
  • Molibden trioksit ve sodyum molibdat
  • Molybdenum concentrate also known as Technical Molybdenum Oxide
  • product being produced by roasting at air temperatures
  • Metal Export Buying unroasted molybdenum concentrate Price
  • The top ten zinc producing mines in the world
  • Comprehensive coverage on mines and projects for Kayatepe Co Ltd
  • Owner of the kayatepe Silver-Lead-Zinc Mine in Ankara
  • Zinc and lead ores are mined in key mining sites of Hakkari, Siirt, Şırnak
  • smelting and refining of zinc-lead and other minor metals at processing
  • The export of zinc ore and enriched zinc ore
  • We have estabilished zinc project in Hakkari
  • Turkish Zinc Ore Suppliers and Manufacturers
  • kayatepe is a mining company focused on lead and zinc ore production
  • we look for zinc ore to customers and using the revenues to pay for mine development
  • Turkey's zinc potential is a good example KAYATEPE Mining
  • Looking for Zinc Ore from Turkey
  • bor, krom, manganez, kolumbiyum,vanadyum ve nike
  • Kayatepe has been mining Turkey's richest Molybdenum ore deposits since 2014
  • Kayatepe Corporation is a mining company which produces zinc concentrate
  • Zinc Corp of Turkey operates as the largest zinc producer in the TR
  • the Kayatepe Holding Corporation
  • lead and zinc ore is mined almost exclusively in underground operations
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  • The basic characteristics of molybdenum concentrate ore concentrate
  • Zinc Smelter kayatepe is a Hydrometallurgical zinc smelter situated at Turkey
  • Galvanized coil, galvanized pipe, galvanized sheet, request a quote
  • Find zinc ore concentrated buying offers from buyers, importers, wholesalers
  • metallic zinc; lead concentrate; and other products
  • Zinc Ingot for Various Industrial Uses, zamak ingot manufactures
  • This metal is a key ingredient in the process of forging alloys such as steel or cast iron
  • he Biggest and Best Metal Wholesaler. Lots of Stock for Molybdenum
  • the grade of manganese concentrate can be increased by about
  • the largest manufacturers of Chromite Ore
  • We are zinc ingot manufacturer
  • The manufacturing of zinc ingots conforms to international standards
  • important zinc producers in Asia with smelters located in Turkey